MFT Friction Feeders

MFT Friction Feeders

MFT Friction Feeders

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The smallest feeder, MFT250 can process a product width of up to 200mm, the MFT350 upto 300mm width, the MFT550 upto 500mm width, at speeds of up to 200m/min (ip range).

These are the most common sizes. Larger width feeders are also available

There is also range of delivery lengths, a curved delivery and a washdown version

Common operations for the feeders are Batch Counting, Tipping, Sub 1mm Precision Attaching.

Larger systems may incorporate more than one feeder, gluing, labeling/tabbing, verification and shingling

In the pictures here are the MFT350v, a Catch Tray for repeat Batch Counts, the MFT550ip on the HDSR stand and the VTC Feed, Tip and Label system

The comprehensive CR80 system appears in the video below

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Bowerhill Industrial Estate
SN12 6TT

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